dinosaur worksheets for elementary students

Dinosaur themed homeschool worksheet.

Table of Contents

Do you have a little dino lover at home? I have a couple of daughters that just love anything having to do with dinosaurs. So, in honor of that obsession, I’m back today with some more free worksheets that are perfect for your elementary students. These are great for learning on the road, to supplement schoolwork at home, or incorporate into a homeschool unit. These dinosaur worksheets are sure to be a fun way for your kiddos to learn.

Dinosaur worksheets for elementary students. Free homeschool worksheets. Dinosaur school unit.

four free dinosaur worksheets

I’ve designed four dinosaur worksheets for this free printable bundle. There are two math worksheets, and two ELA worksheets. I don’t like to specify ages because all kids learn at different rates. However, there are two pages that would be ideal for younger elementary students, and two that would work well for older learners. Your older kids will love learning fun dinosaur facts with a crossword. Meanwhile, your younger learners will enjoy getting creative with a dino color by sight word. There’s also a comparing fractions worksheet, and a dino addition and subtraction page.

We love taking these worksheets along with us on our travels. Yep, I’m one of those mean moms that makes my kids do work in the car before they can have screens on road trips. They would be especially fun to take along on a trip to something dinosaur-related–like Dinosaur National Monument. You can even slide these worksheets into sheet protectors and use dry erase markers. That way you can use them over and over! You could also pair these sheets with one of these fun dino books or activities in my Amazon shop! This shop contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no cost to you.

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Do you have a student who loves dinosaurs?

Find more fun worksheets and homeschool ideas on Pinterest!