home gym essentials for your healthiest year yet

Tips for working out at home.

Table of Contents

Winter is always a hard time to workout, isn’t it? It’s so cold and the daylight hours are so short. Plus, with continued restrictions in multiple states and regions finding indoor places to get your workout in can be tricky. The great news is that you don’t need a fancy home gym or an expensive membership to a fitness center to be a healthier you. Great things can be achieved in humble circumstances. If you’re looking to improve your workout routine this year I’ve got some home gym essentials to check out.

Home Gym Essentials for your healthiest year yet.

home gym essentials

I am a big believer in not spending money you don’t have. If you’re starting to build up your home gym there’s nothing wrong with starting small and adding to it overtime. And don’t think you need a lot of space for an effective workout either! Lots of the things I’m going to be talking about have great space-saving options as well. With these home gym essentials there’s something for everyone and every home. As you continue reading and thinking about your own home gym I want you to keep these points in mind:

  • Do you have specific goals?
  • What is your budget?
  • Is there equipment do you have or want?
  • What’s your motivation?

| Check out my tips for a stroller workout here! |

Tips for working out at home.
work up a sweat

Personally I love getting in my cardio in the great outdoors. A nice jog or hike on a local trail with my ear buds in is some great “me” time. However, in the winter (or even the hot summer!) that’s not always a valid option. If you want to add some cardio equipment to your home gym think about your needs but also think about what you like to do. Do you prefer to bike? Run? Stair step? Do you have bad knees or other health concerns? And don’t forget to consider what space you have. There are fitness bikes these days that can fold up in your closet and treadmills that can slide under your bed. Don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t have the space!

get strong

I often joke that carrying my kids around all day is all the strength training I need. In reality though, I know I’m not as strong as I was when I was doing sports in high school and college. If you’re short on space you can keep it simple with something like and adjustable dumbbell. But if you have an extra room or garage bay then a bigger system like some TRX suspension training can be amazing.

This is also when your fitness goals play an important role. If you want to feel fit enough to run after your kids weight training might not be as big of a priority as cardio equipment. If you’re hoping to tone up a little then getting the right weights might be more important. It’s so easy to get carries away with all of the workout paraphernalia out there–but you can always add more weights and equipment as your needs increase.

create the right setting

Whether you have a dedicated home gym or are utilizing your living room floor some type of mat is a good idea. It not only helps protect your joints with some padding, but it also protects your floor from sweat and scuff marks. A mirror to check for proper form can be helpful too. And make sure you have the proper motivational tools for an effective workout too. Do you need a whiteboard to jot down your daily routine? Or a good speaker to blast your favorite tunes? Are you working out in a space with good circulation or do you need a fan for better air flow?

lastly, take a deep breath

Repeat after me–I do not need to have it all or do it all. Start small. Start simple. It’s good to challenge yourself but it’s also good to set realistic goals. Can you commit to daily walks? Or doing a free YouTube yoga video with your kids? If you can get into a good routine with something small and simple then it’s a little easier to build on it and have success with something more.

Will you be adding to your home gym this year? What’s your favorite way to workout outside the gym?
Essentials for your home gym.