multicultural toys to teach diversity in your home

Multicultural, diverse, inclusive toys

Table of Contents

When all the protests started and the increased emphasis on the Black Lives Matter movement rolled through social media like a tidal wave part of me was almost offended. I’m not like that! My parents always taught me that we’re all children of God. We’re teaching our kids to love and include everyone! And although all that was technically true, I also came to a hard realization. We were teaching that diversity was wonderful, but it wasn’t very well represented in our home. In fact, I once hadn’t bought a baby doll because they only had a Black one left. I figured my child would prefer one that “looked like them”. Looking back now I know my daughter wouldn’t have cared one way or the other. Since then I’ve made an effort to include more multicultural toys and books in our home. Some links contain affiliates, all opinions are my own. Thanks for helping to support Little Dove!

Multicultural toys and books for your kids

multicultural toys and books

I was browsing through Amazon the other day with my daughter looking over my shoulder. We came across some Barbie dolls. “Oh! I want that one!!” she said pointing at a Black doctor Barbie doll. “What do you like about her?” I asked with a smile on my face. “She SO beautiful and she has babies.” she responded, her whole countenance radiating with joy.

There are so many beautiful inclusive toys and books that would be a wonderful addition to our home. Since I appreciate all of the people sharing their favorite multicultural and diverse toys and books right now I thought I would share some that I had found and loved also! So today I’m sharing some multicultural toys and books to introduce to your children. The great thing is that you can find these all on Amazon. Although, fair warning–some are back ordered right now. See? Little changes in our own homes are already happening.


| Check out some of our favorite board books here! |


| Read about ways to encourage creative play in children here! |

art supplies

| Use “littledove” for a discount on great printables from Camp Castle Playmats here! |

Have you shared any of these items with your kids? What multicultural toys or books do your kids love?
Inclusive Toys and Books