encourage creative play in children

Busy mom of 5 and lifestyle blogger Justine Young at Little Dove, shares some ways to encourage creative play in children.

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As a mom I know how easy it is to accumulate “stuff”. I see it in nearly every house I go in–little ones and big messes seem to go hand in hand. Oftentimes the culprit of those big messes is an excess of toys, clothing, art supplies, etc. Parents and well-meaning family members are convinced their kids need these things to stay entertained. I’m a firm believer that you need to do what works for your family. However, I have found that toys that encourage creative play can keep your kids entertained and limit the stuff that takes over your home. This encouraging creative play in children post contains affiliate links, all opinions are my own.

Busy mom of 5 and lifestyle blogger Justine Young at Little Dove, shares some ways to encourage creative play in children.

how to encourage creative play

The act of playing helps with the development of a child’s well-being on every level. From their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development. Giving your children opportunities for creative play helps them learn and practice decision-making skills. Creative play also helps kids discover what they’re actually interested in rather than having it be decided for them.

| Read: Gift Guide for Kids Who Have too Much |

There are certain types of toys that Mike and I don’t mind laying around. Those are the ones that encourage creative play–toys that can be used over and over again in new ways. Or if they make your child think for themselves. These are great for a more minimalistic approach to kid clutter. Read on for some of the toys that we love that encourage creative play and critical thinking in children.

Busy mom of 5 and lifestyle blogger Justine Young at Little Dove, shares some ways to encourage creative play in children.

dress up

In our house we love the dress up clothes from Little Adventures Dress Ups. They have a ton of adorable styles and they’re comfortable for my little ones to run around in. Best of all–my kids can be kids when they’re wearing them because I can just throw them right in the wash! That’s a mom win right there. No worries boy moms, they have tons of options for your little ones too!

pretend Toys

Toys that encourage pretend play means that there aren’t limits to how your child can play. Kids can set their own rules instead of having a game decide what they have to do or when they’re done. My kids personally love playing pretend with kitchen toys and building blocks, the possibilities really are endless! These are the types of toys that stand the test of time. My younger kids are now playing with the same creative toys my older kids played with.

| Read: The Best Educational Toys |

art & craft supplies

I have a love/hate relationship with art supplies. For one thing, I have to be really careful with what type of art supplies I leave out. After all, I still have a certain little one that will doodle with markers and glue all over. Making sure they have easy access to plenty of paper, crayons, and pencils has been such a game changer.


How do you encourage creative play in your children?