clean beauty and other June favorites

Clean Beauty. Bare Republic.

Table of Contents

Can you believe that June is almost over? Because I literally can’t. I wanted to try something new and start doing a monthly favorites post near the end of each month. I just feel like I always have so much I want to share with you but not everyone follows me on Instagram. this gives everyone a chance to check out what I’m loving and it gives you a chance to share what you’re loving with me! Be sure to leave your favorite products in the comments or share with me over on Instagram and I can share them with my readers! Favorites can be anything: beauty products, recipes, blog posts… just anything you have found yourself loving for the month of June! This month I’m focusing on some clean beauty products, but there’s quite an assortment so read on! Wildscape meals were gifted to me from Moms Meet and some links contain affiliates. All opinions are my own!

Clean beauty for Summer.

clean beauty

I like to experiment and try new things when it comes to my beauty routine. I’ve been trying out some of the Beauty Counter products and I’m really liking the results! I also like hat a little seems to go a long way. If you are interested in trying Beauty Counter you should contact my friend Liz who can hook you up with some samples! You can find her on Facebook or Instagram too.

You might have seen me sharing Raw Sugar Living’s products on my Instagram feed. So far I haven’t tried one of their products that I don’t like. Their hair masque is one of my favorites and their bath fizzies are great when you need to relax!

When you’re talking about clean beauty you don’t want to forget about sun care, especially in the Summer! I have loved Bare Republic since I did a campaign with them last year and the love fest is still going strong. I love it, my kids love it, and it’s reef-friendly and cruelty free. Definitely a win all around!

favorite eats

Let’s go from clean beauty to clean eats. This month I’ve been trying Wildscape frozen meals thanks to a program through Moms Meet. I’ve shared before how I sometimes struggle with making sure I eat lunch. Well, these Wildscape meals are so filling and so delicious! My favorite of the ones I’ve tried are the Chimichurri Chicken and the slightly spicy Gochujang Cauliflower.

Wildscape meals.

I also have been turning time and time again to my overnight french toast recipe. The last couple of months I’ve been switching it up by using Brioche bread and it makes the most delicious difference! We’ve been trying different flavors of Brioche which is making this old stand-by even better than ever!

And of course no Summer would be complete without some Dole Whip, am I right? I love it and was so excited to share the amazingly simple “recipe” with all of you. The product I share in my Dole Whip Float post has been my most-purchased Amazon item EVER from you guys!

Wildscape frozen meals.

posts and podcasts

It’s probably no surprise that my top blog post, most repinned post, etc. in June was my Costco cake hack post. Written a year ago this post continues to be a reader favorite! It even inspired me to write another post for all my Costco-loving fans this month.

Have you heard of The Mommy Influencer Podcast? I recently discovered it (it’s pretty new!) and I’ve really loved it! The episodes about time management or organizing your life have been especially helpful and interesting to me. Her MIP Mini episodes are a great place to start if you only have a few minutes to glean some inspiration!

Does an online webinar count as a podcast? Because I have been loving the Okayest Moms Summer Series. I was gifted a full-access pass and I am so thankful because it’s been so good! I’m only on the second week so far and I can’t believe all the amazing info that has been shared! The full access pass gives you replays too. This week there’s even a free webinar available on raising kind, world-conscious children!

Clean Beauty. Bare Republic.
What have been some of your favorites in the month of June? Let me know!