25+ rainy day activities kids will love

Rainy day activities. Rainy day activities for kids. Fun Things to do inside when it rains.

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Recently my kids were having a playdate that they had been looking forward to for awhile. My go-to suggestion for playdates is always the same–go outside. So I was slightly panicked when the day arrived and it was raining. In our small house which rainy day activities would be able to entertain that many kids? In what I considered to be a flash of brilliance (if I do say so myself) I hauled in several cardboard boxes that had been stacked in the garage waiting for recycling. I then handed them some scissors, tape, and markers with strict instructions that they were to only use those things on cardboard. We’ve had traumatic experiences in our household with those simple office supplies before. I don’t want to talk about it.

Anyway… although it didn’t keep them occupied the entire afternoon they did enjoy building with the cardboard boxes. My kids even continued to invent with the cardboard the rest of the week, piling all the cardboard pieces into each other at the end of the day.

As thankful as we are for rain it can be tricky trying to come up with rainy day activities when the rain lasts for days on end. There’s only so much television you can watch and so many books you can read. Today I’ve got a rainy day activites that are just perfect for kids and families to beat the rainy day blues. Be sure to stick around and comment with your favorite rainy day activity at the end!

Rainy day activities. Rainy day activities for kids. Fun Things to do inside when it rains.

rainy day activites at home

reuse and recycle

If you’re like us with a lot of recyclables stacked in the garage then bring them in and give them a second life before tossing them in the bin! Empty boxes, scissors, markers, and tape can become anything from a pirate ship to a race car.

have a cooking competition

I don’t know about you but my kids love baking shows. Host your own competition in your kitchen! Get out simple ingredients for younger ones beforehand and be prepared to help. Or if you’re really brave give older kids free range in the kitchen!

play a game

When’s the last time you played with those board games sitting in the closet? Pull out an old favorite or teach your little ones a new one while you listen to rain fall outside.

construct a fort

What’s more fun on a rainy day than constructing a fort? Blankets, pillows, furniture–they’re all essentials for fort building that you already have! The best part is that afterwards you can curl up inside with a book or toys and have some more rainy day fun.

world record winner

What’s the world record for standing on one foot? Or hula hooping? Or holding your breath? Look up some records and see if there’s something you can try to beat! Or find out how to make your own online!

act it out

Have your budding thespians put on a play! First they can be in charge of costumes and sets. Then, once they’ve rehearsed (and passed out tickets, of course) have them perform for you or an audience of dolls.

paint like Picasso

Getting artsy is a great way to spend a rainy day bundled up inside. If you want to control the mess then try one of my favorite messy mom hacks. Strip young kids down to next to nothing and have them paint in the bathtub. Once they’re done clean up for them and their “art studio” is a breeze!

have a spa day

With not much to do outside why not have a DIY spa day? Turn on a hot shower to create a sauna, apply some face masks, place cucumber slices on your eyes, or give yourselves pedicures!

cook up some fun

My kids often want to help int eh kitchen but usually by dinnertime I’m in a rush to get the food on the table. Sometimes rainy days give us a bit more time which is perfect for little helpers!

try a scavenger hunt

Have your little ones work their wiggles out by sending them on a scavenger hunt indoors! Make your own list or use one of these nature sheets and adapt for indoors.

time for cleaning

Take advantage of a captive audience and get some much-needed cleaning done! Make it more fun with a timer or incentives. Spend some time sorting and organizing for donations. A rainy day is the perfect time to get a jump on your spring cleaning!

write a pen pal

Who says snail mail is dead? Have your kiddos color their own cards for friends and family and then send some happy mail their way! That’s enough to brighten anybody’s day.

create a dream board

Rainy blues got your little ones down? Have them dream big and create a vision board with all their plans for warmer weather!

color on the furniture

Score some major mom points by actually encouraging your kids to color on the furniture for once… sort of. Roll out some drawing paper (kraft paper or the backside of wrapping paper works too) to cover a large surface, like your kitchen table. Let them color whatever they want or make a road for them to drive their cars on!

open for business

Do your kids love to play pretend? Set up a store for them where they can be the clerk and let their imaginations run wild! Set up a checkout for them and price out some items (or have them do it!). Loose change or pretend money can be their currency. Bonus points if you make them earn their money with chores first!

jump in puddles

Sometimes the best rainy day activities are the ones that actually take you out in the rain! Put on your rain gear and go on a hunt for the best jumping puddles out there!

the great indoors

Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you still can’t have a camp out–or rather, a camp in. Set up your tent indoors and enjoy some delicious s’mores (if you don’t have a fireplace they work great in the microwave).

Rainy day activities. Rainy day activities for kids. Fun Things to do inside when it rains.

rainy day activities elsewhere

catch a movie

Most theaters will have a cheap day and matinees are always more affordable. Buy some tickets and head to your local movie theater so someone else entertain the kids for awhile!

cozy library time

What better way to spend a rainy day then at the library? Find a break in the rain to head out to your local library. Many branches have story times, simple crafts, or kid areas to play in.

visit the mall

I rarely go to the mall now that I have kids but when we do they have a blast! They love walking around and checking out their favorite stores (Hello Disney store!), picking out whatever they want from the food court, and playing at the indoor playground!

go out to eat

When I used to work in a restaurant rainy days were often some of the slowest. Take advantage of no wait and attentive servers and enjoy a meal out! Or head to your favorite fast food establishment with an indoor play-place and let your kids get some of their energy out.

store scavenger hunt

Need to run some errands? Why not make it into a rainy day activity? Make a list of a few things that your kid can look for while you’re getting your shopping down. Hopefully it keeps them entertained and you can shop in peace! At least, for awhile.

explore a museum

Take advantage of being stuck inside and get some learning in! I don’t mean any learning, make it fun by checking out a museum or history center you haven’t been to before!

grocery shopping spree

I’m not going to lie, grocery shopping with all five kids is pretty low on my list of fun. However, if you get it done while it’s raining cats and dogs then you’ll have time to enjoy the sun when it comes!

treat yourself

One of the best rainy day activities is treating yourself. Why not head out and get some mother-daughter (or mother-son) pampering done while the rain falls outside? Many nail salons offer special pricing for children.

adopt a pet… sort of

When my son was just a year or two old he loved looking at all the animals at the local pet store. Where we lived there was a doggy daycare attached so he could sit outside the big glass window for as long as he wanted and get his fill of dogs, without taking one home.

Rainy day activities. Rainy day activities for kids. Fun Things to do inside when it rains.
What’s some of your favorite rainy day activities? Do you like to stay home or go out?