SMART goal setting with a vision board

Homeschool goal setting lesson plan. Making SMART goals. Making your own vision board.

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Here we are, 2019, new year… wait, this is sounding a lot like last week’s post, isn’t it? Whether or not you make New Year’s resolutions (I personally prefer goals) the new year is a good time to think about your year that lies ahead. Most of us like to start the year off strong with a desire to do all the things. You’ll see tons of posts about SMART goal setting and resolutions. However, did you know that most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by January 12? That’s less than two weeks of good old goal setting and focusing on your dreams before you decide to heck with it and reach for that doughnut or trashy Netflix show (or whichever vice it is that you determined you’d give up). Yes folks, apparently Quitter’s Day is a real thing. Don’t believe me? Go ahead, look it up, I’ll be right here…

Have you ever considered making a dream vision board for some SMART goal setting? If not I’d like to share with you not only why you should consider it, but also how to make one, and I’ve even got some free printables for you (because you know how much I love free printables!).

How to make a vision board. What is a dream board. SMART goal setting.

what is a dream vision board

Whether you call it a dream board, a vision board, or “this paper where I wrote down my goals”, it’s basically a way to stay focused. A dream board helps you be reminded of your goals so you can stay motivated. We all struggle sometimes with doubt wondering if we’ll ever reach our goal. It can seem like such a high mountain to climb as we’re endlessly working towards our goals. It’s also easy to lose motivation when we get so caught up in our everyday life that we forget to make time for our dreams. That’s why a dream board (or vision board) can be such a great resource to have. You can refer to it anytime you need a little boost of motivation. It’s also a way of holding yourself accountable. If you have “read 24 books” as one of your goals (ahem, that happens to be one of mine) then maybe you’ll be more likely to reach for a novel next time instead of your cell phone.

Homeschool goal setting lesson plan. Making SMART goals. Making your own vision board.

how to make a dream vision board

The best part about making a dream board or vision board? You don’t need any special supplies. You probably have everything you need at home already. There’s no right or wrong way to do it and it can be adapted for all ages and ability levels. Start with a blank piece of paper and decide what you want your own dream board to look like. You could also use one of my free printables to get started (found at the end of this post).

draw your dreams

Let your creativity shine by sketching out your dreams. Longing to take your family on a cruise this year? Draw some waves and a tropical beach to keep you motivated while you’re working hard to earn it. John C. Maxwell said, “dreams don’t work unless you do” Make sure you’re doing your part of the work to achieve your dreams. Making a drawing on your vision board is also great for younger kids that might not be able to write out what their goals are. For instance, if they want to excel at a particular sport then a drawing of them with a gold medal might remind them why they’re working so hard.

Sketch out your dreams. What is a dream board. How to make a Vision board.

make a list

If you’re like me and you like to write things out and cross them off then a traditional list would be good for you. Think about your dreams and set some SMART goals to achieve them. If you’re not familiar with SMART goal setting it’s an acronym that stands for “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound“. So don’t just write out a general goal–“lose 10 pounds”. How are you going to do that? By which date do you want to reach your goal? Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying, “if you fail to plan you plan to fail”. Set yourself up for success by making a solid plan on your dream vision board.

create a collage

Another fun way to fill out a dream vision board for kids is by creating a collage of all your dreams. This is also fun to do if you’re creative. This is probably one of the most popular versions of a dream board that I’ve seen. Magazine clippings of healthy foods might remind you that you want to cook more. References to money might mean you’re trying to earn that promotion at work. A picture of an airplane could symbolize your goal of a big family trip. A collage is definitely an easy and very visual way to be reminded of your dreams. Again, this is a really great way for young kids to get excited about making their own dream vision board.

Keep focus on your goals with a dream board. What is a vision board. SMART goal setting.

Click on the links below to get your free printables:

“Go. Live your dream”

“A dream is a wish your heart makes.”

“No dream is too big, no dreamer too small.”

“A million dreams are keeping me awake.”

Have you ever made a dream board? Did you make any New Year goals? How are you staying motivated?