#SimplifyingTheSeason wrap up and linkup

Simplifying the Season link up party

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Simplifying the Season link up party


Did y’all have a nice Christmas? There’s always a bittersweet feeling for me after the holidays are over; a mixture of relief and disappointment. When I started with my Simplifying the Season series I was hoping to maybe help one of you out there who might be feeling overwhelmed or stressed out at this time of year. Ultimately though, I found that I probably helped myself the most. One of the things that I love about blogging is that it holds me accountable, and this was no different. I’d find myself wondering if I should do something and oftentimes I’d realize that it wasn’t something that would redirect my focus on my family, established traditions, or our Savior.

So I wouldn’t do it.

Instead, I simplified. I made sugar cookies and only used sprinkles to decorate instead of making frosting. I opted not to throw our annual Christmas playdate (and my kids didn’t miss it one bit). I bought gift cards for teacher gifts. I cut WAY back on Christmas baking and passed out homemade jam to friends and family that I’d made early at the beginning of Fall.

Simplifying the Season link up party


We focused on what really mattered to us at this time of year–family, traditions, and Christ. We participated in activities that would bring us joy and keep us thinking of those things. I said no to things and when I did something interesting happened; I started thinking about all things in term of simplifying. What would make our mornings run smoother? Was it really a big deal if that Instagram post didn’t go up right when I wanted it to? How could I avoid the laundry and cleaning piling up? Did we really need this stack of paper or those old toys?

I feel like my perspective on some things have really changed and I’m looking forward to keeping up with this in the New Year. But I also know that it will be a continual process and I’ll need y’all to keep me accountable with my quest for simplifying and refocusing.

Now I want to know all about your holiday season! How did you simplify? How did you focus on what really matters to you? Did you start a simple, new tradition? Do you have a favorite family recipe that you shared with others? Did your kids act out the Nativity story? Link up your holiday posts from the whole season below!

This link party will be open for a week and once it ends I’ll be picking a few of my favorite posts that I think best exemplify the series to send a small gift to!


Simplifying the Season link up party


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