Tag Archives | gift guide

Educational electronic gift guide for kids.

educational electronic gifts your child will love

If your kids are anything like mine then they’ve probably requested several electronic toys for Christmas. A whole lot. It seems like every year they’re asking my husband and I for some new gadget. Something that not only lights up and makes noise, but requires us to feed it batteries to do so. Christmas morning and […]

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Best Educational Stocking Stuffers. Great stocking stuffers.

educational stocking stuffers for elementary kids

I asked on my Instagram Stories what the most stressful part of the holidays was. Someone commented that it was trying to find stocking stuffers that weren’t candy. I’m not anti-candy by any means. However, it seems like my kids always amass so much during the holidays from other sources. So if I can avoid […]

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Gifts that give back for Christmas.

30+ gifts that give back

For our family meaningful is the name of the game when it comes to giving Christmas presents (at least as much as possible). Don’t get me wrong–it’s fun to circle toy catalog images and browse the shelves at your local big box stores while Christmas shopping. However, I think those days are slowly being replaced […]

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Busy blogger and mom of five, Justine at Little Dove, shares some practical gifts for baby's first year.

practical gifts for baby’s first year

I can’t even believe that baby girl is almost 9 months old. That means the first birthday is right around the corner, then preschool, then college… maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself. However, any parent will tell you how quickly the first year flies by! Expect for all those sleepless nights, of course. During […]

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Busy mom of 5 and lifestyle blogger Justine Young at Little Dove, shares some ways to encourage creative play in children.

encourage creative play in children

As a mom I know how easy it is to accumulate “stuff”. I see it in nearly every house I go in–little ones and big messes seem to go hand in hand. Oftentimes the culprit of those big messes is an excess of toys, clothing, art supplies, etc. Parents and well-meaning family members are convinced […]

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