Tag Archives | baby

Sleeping baby in a crib.

how to get your baby to sleep through the night

It’s hard to believe that our last bundle of joy is turning a year old tomorrow. The past year has flown by so quickly since our little pandemic baby joined our family. She is such a sweet soul and is generally very happy and easy-going. But if you had told me even a couple months […]

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Birth Story

april 16, 2020: a global pandemic birth story

How does a pandemic birth story start? You would think that by my sixth labor I’d know exactly what was going on. Yet there I was, awake at 2:20 am on April 16 in the middle of a global pandemic. Not sure if my water had broken or if I’d wet the bed. Talk about […]

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What to give to a new mom

baby gifts that a new mom really wants

As a mom to six little ones I can say that I have been blessed by lots of baby showers and sprinkles over the past ten years. Family and friends have showed each of our newest additions so much love and we’ve always been nothing but thankful. Let’s be honest though–there’s only so many newborn-sized […]

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Baby bump

giving birth during a global pandemic-how I feel about it

A lot of people have asked me about how I’m feeling being so pregnant during the current state of things. Followers on social media have sent me messages, friends have checked in, and strangers at the store are all quick to voice their concern. I’ve thought many times about getting on Instagram and addressing all […]

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featured pregnancy image

sciatica pain during pregnancy and what to do about it

30 DAYS UNTIL MY DUE DATE! Thirty. Days. This is not a drill people! Although every one of my pregnancies has been different there wasn’t anything really surprising about this time around. Bigger belly, check. Shortness of breath, check. Sciatica pain, check. Sciatica pain during pregnancy is something I’ve dealt with before but I feel […]

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