moments to connect with your baby every day

Mother and baby laying on the floor while the mom works from home.

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There’s nothing quite like those newborn days. They somehow simultaneously go by in a blur while also being over in the blink of an eye. For some parents, it can be hard to feel a connection to this new little being you’ve brought into the world. Especially if you’re struggling with lack of sleep, or your baby has colic, or any number of things that come up in those first weeks and months of parenthood. Finding ways to connect with your baby is beneficial to you and to them so keep reading for some simple tips. I am not a parenting or medical expert, all opinions are my own and based on my own experiences.

Simple ways to connect with your baby. Connecting with your newborn.

ways to connect with your baby

get close to them

Your baby just wants to be near you. They’ve spent 9 months hearing your heartbeat and the most comforting thing for both of you is to be together in a calm environment. The way you start your day sets the tone for the hours that follow. Consider incorporating a morning snuggle into your routine. A great time for this is nursing or bottle feeling. You’re already feeding your baby first thing in the mooning, right? So start you day off with really focusing on your baby and talking to them rather than being distracted during this time, if you can.

incorporate a bedtime routine

Evening routines are precious opportunities for connection that set the stage for peaceful sleep. I am a firm believer in the importance of incorporating a bedtime routine early on! The great thing is, this routine can be anything you want it to be or have time for. It can include a bath, massage with baby lotion, a bed time story, singing, or just rocking them for a few minutes while you talk to them. Establishing a routine starts teaching them signals for when it’s time to go to bed. This will help with laying the foundation of healthy sleep habits.

| Read: How to Get Your Baby to Sleep |

Father bonding with his newborn baby.

advantages of babywearing

Babywearing is more than just a practical solution – it’s a way to keep your baby close to your heart throughout the day. Investing in a comfortable baby carrier that allows you to carry your little one while you go about your daily activities is well worth the money. Whether you’re going for a walk, doing household chores, or even working from home, your baby will be comforted by your heartbeat and movements. Do you have to babywear all day? Absolutely not, but it can definitely come in handy if your baby is having an “off” day.

connect with your baby using a mirror

Have you ever noticed how babies are fascinated by faces? Mirror time is a wonderful way to introduce them to their own reflection while connecting with them at the same time. Gently hold your baby in front of a mirror and watch as they interact with their reflection. Or have them do their tummy time in front of a mirror. An alternative to this is holding your baby while your record them, selfie-style! My little one loves watching her facial movements on my phone. Bonus points if we record Marco Polo for the grandparents to watch later!

| Read: Tips for Traveling with a Baby This Year |

Mother and baby laying on the floor while the mom works from home.

baby bathtime

Bathtime isn’t just about getting clean–it’s also an opportunity to bond. As I mentioned earlier, I also think it’s the perfect part of a bedtime routine for your little one. I like to dim the lights and turn on some gentle piano music to make it a relaxing experience for my baby. It’s the perfect way to get some one-on-one time at the end of our busy days. It also helps them calm down before bed.

connect with your baby outside

Exploring the great outdoors isn’t just for grown-ups–most babies also love it! Just like adults, they can benefit from the sights, sounds, and fresh air. My babies have all loved being held while feeling the breeze on their faces, or sitting in the stroller in the sunshine. The sunshine has legit health benefits, as your skin makes vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D can strengthen your immune system and boost your mood, among many other benefits.

What ways do you find to connect with your baby every day?

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