things not to say to a blogger: 11 phrases to avoid

Headshot from Britney at Your Creative Counterpart.

Table of Contents

I started blogging in 2010–a.k.a. the Dark Ages of blogging. It started as a way to have a creative outlet and maybe sell some of the things I had started making. I had no concept of making any sort of money from blogging and I’m pretty sure the term influencer wasn’t even being used yet. It’s been really interesting to go along for the ride as blogging has become a way of modern-day marketing. Yet, even in 2021 I find that some people still don’t get it. From businesses, to family, to friends, I still struggle with explaining this crazy blogging life to people. So to celebrate my 11th blogiversary I’m sharing things NOT to say to a blogger. After all, having done this blogging thing for 11 years now means that I’ve pretty much heard it all.

11 Things not to say to a blogger. Misconceptions about blogging.

By the way, make sure you read alllll the way to the end of things not to say to a blogger for some fun giveaways to some of my favorite shops!

11 things not to say to a blogger

“Wow. How nice to get — for free.”

Actually, that trip my family was able to go on wasn’t free. I worked the whole time, unless I was sleeping. Every second is filled with me obsessing over getting the perfect shot and making sure I’m posting on social media. Then, once I get home I’m working more editing pictures and writing up and sharing content. So yes, the trips, opportunities, and products we get to use are awesome, but they are most definitely not free.

“What did you really think about —?”

As a blogger who prides myself on integrity you can put this on the top of “things not to say”. Listen, I get it. It’s hard to believe that I actually love every partnered trip we’ve gone on. Or if my kids really loved that food we reviewed. I’ll also admit that I’m pretty easy to please, haha. Although I know some “influencers” who will do anything for a check, if I tell you I love something, I mean it.

“All you have to do to get more followers/engagement is —.”

I know I’m not an expert but please don’t assume that you know more about me how to get more followers or more engagement. At this point I have probably tried just about every piece of advice in the book besides showing more skin (let’s be honest, it works for plenty of people). Just because something worked for you doesn’t mean it will work for anyone else.

“So how much did you make last year?”

I loathe the trend in blogging to share what you make every month or year. I just honestly don’t get it. Your local barista isn’t out there saying “here’s how I made $$ last year”. The hairdresser next door isn’t posting on Facebook about “how I made $$ in May and you can too”. Just stop. You made money, that’s great! I know of no other profession where there is so much curiosity over income.

“You need to speak up about —!”

Nope. Actually, I don’t. It is literally impossible to speak up about every single social injustice or wrong in the world. Yes, literally impossible. Yet, this has been a common thing to say over the past 18 months. “If your favorite influencer isn’t speaking up about XYZ then you shouldn’t be following them”. Wrong. You should be following who you want to. It was also very interesting and telling to me that those same people that would cry out about everyone being vocal about their causes couldn’t care less about other injustices. There has definitely been selective virtue signaling going on the past couple years.

“How do I do what you do?”

Here’s the thing–please ask me for advice. I think anybody who really knows me will tell you that I try to be as helpful as possible. I have even offered webinars on different blogging topics! But if you don’t even follow me on Instagram please don’t drop into my DMs telling me you love my feed and would love to “do what I do”. How can you love me? You don’t even care enough to follow me.

Headshot from Britney at Your Creative Counterpart.
“You’re always doing something fun!”

Okay, this one isn’t really offensive at all but I do hope that y’all realize that is simply not true. Blogging and social media is a highlight reel. Yes, we go a lot of fun places and we do a lot of fun things. But I also do a lot of laundry, weeding, vacuuming, and errands. I fill up my car with gas and take the kids to school and shop at Costco. Some months are more filled with excitement than others but trust me–we’re not always doing something fun.

“We’d love to send you —, could you share it with your followers?”

Hey, I love working with brands and creating content! But lately the requests for hours of work in exchange for a $15 product have gone way up. Creating an Instagram post might sound simple to you, but it actually requires a lot of time. If I have to get myself or my kids ready to be in a product shot, then edit the picture, write a caption, and promote it on social media… please be prepared to compensate me for my time and experience.

“This isn’t why I follow you, BYE!”

Guess what? Social media isn’t a bus terminal or an airport so you don’t need to announce your departure! You are more than free to follow or unfollow whomever you want, but you don’t need to be rude about it. Ugly comments on our blog or DMs on Instagram telling us you’ve had enough say way more about you than they do about us.

“You need a side hustle!”

I have no issue with MLMs, but don’t drop into our inbox trying to tell us we need to do what you’re doing. Blogging is my side hustle–being a mom to six kids is my main “occupation”. I have absolutely zero time to try and sell something I’ve never even tried before. Just stop it, we’ll come to you if we decide we need a “side hustle”.

“What an interesting hobby.”

Um… thanks? This might be top of the list of things not to say to a blogger. To be honest, I barely earn enough money for blogging to qualify as a “job” according to the IRS, but you should know that most bloggers nowadays don’t consider it a “hobby”. I think the days of hobby blogging or blogging for family are pretty much over. Blogging and content creation is modern day marketing. It’s not really any different then brands paying for an ad in a magazine or a commercial time slot on television.

11 Things Not to Say to a Blogger. Common things that people think about bloggers.

Want some more of my thoughts on blogging? Check out these other posts!

10 Blogging Tips from 10 Years of Blogging

Getting Ahead with Blogging and Batch Work

Blogging Advice to Myself after Nine Years

Four Reasons Why You Should do a Brand Photoshoot

Eight Reasons Why You Should be a Blogger

Blogger Burnout: Why it Happens and What to Do

These are a Few of My Favorite Things… About Blogging

Blogiversary Giftaway Image for Instagram Stories.

Now, onto the giveaways!

I polled everyone on Instagram about the type of blogiversary giveaway y’all wanted and how many winners there should be. You voted for a mom/kid-themed giveaway and three winners! You can enter each giveaway for $50 to some of my favorite small shops but can only win once.

If you don’t win, no problem! You can use any of these affiliate codes and links to save money from these great shops!

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!