end of summer bucket list for your family

Eat outside as a family.

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When I was a kid I remember that summer seemed to stretch on forever. We’d start our summer break the second week of June or so, and we wouldn’t walk back into our classrooms until after Labor day in September. In fact, summer would seem so long that by the time school rolled around I’d actually be looking forward to it. Don’t worry, my insanity was short-lived and I’d be wishing I was home again mid-October. But now as an adult summer seems so short–don’t blink or you’ll miss it! If you want to savor every second of summer left, check out this end of summer bucket list. And be sure to pin so you can refer back next year!

End of summer bucket list. Fun things to do with your family before summer is over.

end of summer bucket list

It’s true–with school starting up everywhere summer is unofficially over. luckily for us on Team Endless Summer, the season of sun doesn’t officially end until September 22. So don’t mind me while I soak up every last nanosecond of summer I can. I’ll also be counting down the days until the summer solstice–305 and counting to be exact.

Go swimming one last time. I always get nervous at the end of summer because it’s fire season here in California which means lots of smoky air. I always panic that we won’t get one last swim in but then we usually get a chance just before it gets too cold. Whew.

Have an outdoor movie night. Now that they days are getting slightly shorter again you don’t have to wait until 9:30 to start your outdoor movies!

| Find out how to host your own outdoor movie night here! |
Swim one last time before summer is over.

Plan a playdate outside. The end of summer and beginning of fall is the perfect time for playing outdoors! The weather is nice, especially if you can get out early in the morning or utilize the evenings before it starts getting dark.

Have a bonfire and roast s’mores. Backyard bonfires are one of those things that we usually do at the very end of summer because we think “oh, we have plenty of time for that”.

|Check out the s’mores charcuterie board here! |

Dine al fresco for dinner. Enjoy the evenings as they start to cool off and have a meal together outside. Bonus points if you grill something but ordering pizza still counts!

Take a family selfie. If you haven’t gotten the whole family in a shot all summer long make sure you cross this item off your end of summer bucket list!

| Check out 21 pictures to take in 2021 here! |
Eat outside as a family.

Go on a family bike ride or walk in the evening. Again, it’s the perfect opportunity to enjoy the cooler evenings and spend some time together before bedtime. Especially if school has started and daylight hours together are scarce.

Tie dye something. I threw this one in because much like roasting s’mores, we often scramble to get our yearly tie-dye session in last minute. But the kids love doing it and look forward to it every year!

| Find out how to tie dye with ice here! |
End of summer bucket list. Fun things to do with your family before summer is over.
What last minute summer activity are you looking forward to?