essential oil blend recipes for diffusing and rolling

Essential oil bottles and blends.

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You know that one episode of The Office where Michael says, “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious”? That’s the way I feel about essential oils–“I’m not super oily but I am a little oily”. Anyone else? I love using essential oils for cleaning (especially lemon!) and for diffusing. But I’m definitely no expert. So when I decided I wanted to share some great diffusing blends with you I reached out to my friend Jessica to see if she could share some of her wisdom. Keep reading for some of her favorite essential oil blend recipes!

Essential oil blend recipes for diffusing and rolling. #essentialoils

why use essential oils?

Why did you start using essential oils Jessica?

I started using essential oils to switch out my air fresheners. One day my dog hit the plug-in air freshener and it tipped over. By the time I realized what happened, it had already “burnt” a hole in my floor and stained my baseboard–plus my dog was vomiting everywhere. I knew right then those can’t be good for my family and I had to switch to something else. But I was “scent” obsessed! So I did my research and essential oils kept coming up. I have fallen in love with the fact that I can have a new scent everyday that brings wellness to my home, supports emotions and health, and smells amazing!

Interested in trying out Young Living essential oils? Sign up for a starter kit with Jessica!

Jessica’s favorite essential oil blend recipes

diffuser blends

“Right side of the bed”: 3 drops Peppermint, 3 drops Lemon, 4 drops Stress Away   

Perfect wake up blend! Peppermint is great to help wake up and open my lungs. Lemon to bring some brightness and clarity to my day & stress away to start the day off stress free. (Starter Kit)

“Kick the sick”: 4 drops Thieves, 3 Drops Lemon, 3 drops Frankincense 

Immune Boosting blend! Thieves is a blend with natural immune boosting properties. Lemon is a natural antibacterial, anti inflammatory oil. Frankincense is also anti-inflammatory and is known to boost white blood cells. (Starter Kit)

“No Candle Necessary”: 4 drops Grapefruit, 4 drops Orange, 3 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 2 drops Geranium

This is a fun blend that smells like everyone’s favorite candle. Diffuse this when you have company and everyone will ask what candle you’re burning. I get it going in all of my diffusers and set them to the candle flicker option, no candles necessary–it smells amazing!!

Essential Oils template for Instagram Stories.
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roller blends (adult dilution for 10ml roller bottle)

“Sweet Dreams”: 10 drops Lavender, 5 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Peace & Calming.

Fill with carrier oil and roll on the back of your neck and behind the ears for a restful night sleep. (Starter Kit)

“Immune Booster”: 10 drops Thieves, 10 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Lemon, 5 drops Oregano.

All in the starter kit except oregano; but it’s still a great roller for immunity without the addition of oregano!

“Mommy Roller”: 8 drops Valor, 8 drops Stress away, 5 Drops Vanilla, 5 drops Peace & Calming, 3 drops Joy.

This is an amazing perfume and also gives me the confidence and emotional support to get through my day as a mom of 3 boys.

| Check out how to make your own bath and shower fizzies with essential oils at home! |

Essential oil bottles and blends.
and Jessica’s absolute, FAVORITE recipe is…

Leave in Conditioner: 4oz spray bottle, 1 TBS Lavender conditioner,  5 drops Lavender, 5 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Cedarwood, 3 drops Peppermint. 

Lavender and Cedarwood are great oils for hair support and growth. Frankincense is an amazing oil for skin support, so I love it to help my scalp. Peppermint is perfect to wake up the senses and also for hair growth. I apply this damp hair after a shower and also I spray some in my hand and tame down those flyaways or condition before curling or straightening. 

Thanks so much for all your insight Jessica! I hope you all have found a new essential oil blend recipe to try out!
Find Jessica on Instagram at
Essential oil blend recipes for moms. #essentialoils #healthyliving