diy macramé holder for hairbow organization

DIY macramé hairbow holder

Table of Contents

If you’re new around here you should know that simple is the name of the game. So when I can fill a need super duper simply I’m super duper excited. Even better?? If I can also solve a problem by spending as little money as possible. This DIY solution for our hairbow problem was both incredibly simple, and cost less than $1! Ready to get more organized in 2021 for very little money? Keep reading for all the details of this DIY macramé hairbow holder!

DIY macramé bow holder from yarn and a wooden dowel. A practically free project!

diy macramé the easy way

I’ve got a little insider crafter’s tip for you—whenever possible buy your crafting supplies at a hardware store instead of a craft supply store. You will spend way less, and often for better quality items. Such is the case with the wooden dowel for this project. You can pick it up at your local hardware store in either the hobby wood section (where higher-quality finished boards are located) or by the moulding. And for some reason when it’s located by the moulding it’s usually cheaper. But they can’t fool you because you know the secret now.

I used yarn I had leftover from various projects for this macramé hanging. Luckily, if you don’t have a bunch of half-finished projects like I do this DIY macramé hairbow holder is still an inexpensive craft because you can purchase yarn pretty cheap. It just depends on how many different yarns you want and what types.

Materials needed:
  • Wooden dowel cut to size (12 inch recommend)
  • Jute or cord for hanging
  • Yarn of choice
  • Scissors
Macramé  hairbow holder tutorial.

The first thing I did was cut a length of jute and tied it on for a way to hang my creation. Then I started the actual macramé hanging. I cut several pieces of yarn the same length and then knotted each one over my dowel using a simple pile hitch knot. I was going for a random look so I didn’t do any sort of pattern. Once the whole length of dowel was full of yarn pieces then I started randomly braiding and tying knots for a freehand look. If I had wanted to commit more time to this project I definitely could have learned some actual macramé techniques.

Here are some helpful tutorials you could watch if you want to attempt “real” macramé.

Once I was finished with my random braids and knots all I had to do was trim the ends to make it even. I completed this DIY macramé hairbow holder in less than an hour from start to finish, and that includes taking the pictures for this blog post!

DIY macramé hairbow holder

Be sure to check out the giveaway I have going on over on Instagram!

What do you think? Will you attempt a diy macramé hairbow holder? I think it would make a cute and inexpensive gift too! 
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