magical rainbow melts

Magical Rainbow Melts

Table of Contents

Magical Rainbow Melts


Who says peppermint bark just has to be for Christmas? I’ve already made Valentine Day bark, so the next logical step (to me) seemed to be making some fun, multicolored bark (or melts, because it sounds a little cuter). If you’ve never made homemade candy before chocolate bark is a fun (and easy) place to start.

Magical Rainbow Melts
A fun and colorful variation on traditional peppermint bark.
Author: Justine Young
  • 12 oz . of milk chocolate chips
  • 6 oz . each of pink like the Wilton Candy Melts, purple, and blue melting chocolate
  • Colorful sprinkles and candies optional
  1. Prepare baking sheet by placing wax paper on top.
  2. Melt milk chocolate chips according to package directions until smooth and easily poured.
  3. Pour and spread melted milk chocolate over the wax paper while you prepare the other chocolate.
  4. Melt colored chocolate according to package directions until smooth and easily poured.
  5. Drop dollops of colored chocolate on top of the milk chocolate, then carefully smooth with a spatula or backside of a spoon and swirl together. Be careful not to swirl the milk chocolate into the colored because it will "muddy" the colored chocolate.
  6. Finish off with colorful sprinkles or candies if you'd like.
  7. Allow to harden overnight, then carefully break into pieces.
Recipe Notes

The amounts are approximate. You can vary them depending on how much you want to make and how thick you want your melts to be.
The trick to melting chocolate is to be patient! It is really easy to burn chocolate and completely ruin it. Just follow the directions on the chocolate package and you'll be fine!

Magical Rainbow Melts

The whole point of this colorful creation is really to introduce a new series to you that I am so excited about! This year I am teaming up with some of my favorite bloggers to bring you “A Year of Color”. Each month on the third Friday we’re teaming up to bring you a post inspired by the color of the month–and we want to see what you come up with too!

The sky’s the limit as far as what you share, as long as it fits into the color for that month. It could be a craft, a recipe, or a fashion piece. What will each month’s color inspire you to create, wear, or do? January’s color is white, so be sure to come back on January 20 and link up your color-inspired posts. It doesn’t have to be something new, it can be an older post too!

January: white


Have you ever made a kind of peppermint bark before?
How will the color white inspire you?