pallet framed chalkboard

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You might remember my awesome chalkboard from my Farmer’s Market post last week:
Well, my sweet hubby made that for me after I quickly sketched it out on a piece of scrap paper with some rough estimations on the size I wanted (I think my exact words to him were, “Yeah, about 4 x 3′? Well, unless I want it to sit on the table, maybe it should be smaller? But it can’t be too small, cause then there won’t be enough room to write. I don’t know, what do you think?” Helpful. right?). We happened to have a scrap piece of plywood exactly 4 x 3′ in the garage, but after examining it I decided it needed to lose 6 inches on the side and top. Cause I have to make everything as hard as possible.
Then I measured off 6 inches all the way around and painted inside of that, first with two coats of leftover “oops” paint, then two coats of chalkboard paint. I didn’t even bother sanding it first since I knew the paint would help fill in some of the imperfections on the wood.
Once the paint was completely dry, Mike just arranged leftover pallet boards (all but two of the boards on this were leftover scraps from my son’s wall!) and worked at it until everything lined up correctly. I gotta say, I really appreciate his hard work making sure that all the boards looked good and were spaced nicely on there!

I had originally planned for it to be able to stand on its own, like a sandwich board; but Mike just screwed a small piece of 2 x 2″ on the back and it locks into place on one of our saw horses, genius! Plus, it will be easy for me to hang this gorgeous pallet framed chalkboard on a wall if I ever decide to!