Archive | baking

chocolate cupcake toppers

chocolate cupcake toppers

You probably already know this from my Instagram feed, but cupcakes definitely have a special place in my heart. There’s just something about them that are near dessert perfection, in my opinion. The perfect size (assuming a serving is four cupcakes… let’s just assume that), endless flavor combinations, and so easy to make SO adorable. […]

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mason jar pies

mason jar pies

Thanksgiving is right around the corner (literally!) and that means it’s pie season. Do you ever wonder how certain foods and flavors become associated with different holidays? Why is pie the popular dessert for Thanksgiving? Yeah, I think about random stuff like that sometimes. Anyway, I came across these adorable individual pies in half pint jars […]

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double chip pumpkin cookies

double chip pumpkin cookies

If you follow me on Instagram then you know that last week our family made our annual trip to our favorite pumpkin patch, our first time as a family of six. 🙂 We had so much fun, as always, but you could really tell that the California drought is taking its toll; there didn’t seem to […]

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orange creamsicle cupcakes

orange creamsicle cupcakes

Summer might be officially over now, and with it, ice cream season (although, it’s always ice cream season in my household 😉 ), but these orange creamsicle cupcakes would be perfect anytime of year! All it takes to make these fun cupcakes is: Betty Crocker Orange Sherbet cake mix*, cream soda (I prefer diet soda), […]

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dark chocolate raspberry brownies

dark chocolate raspberry brownies

Have you heard of candy bar brownies? They really are the easiest, but best tasting brownies you will likely ever make. I discovered them on Tasha’s blog, Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body, and I am so glad that I somehow stumbled up on them. You can find the pin //here//. Really, make these and you will […]

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